Josep Vallribera 





'One should not think slightingly of the paradoxical, for the paradox is the source of the thinker's passion. A Thinker without paradox is like a lover without feeling -- a paltry mediocrity.'
Søren Kierkegaard

Perceptive experiences of viewers before works and their apprehension vary in relation to their position and they have different cognitive responses according to intellectual perspectives and their accrued ecperiences.

Discovering the positiveness of that which is negaive, productivity in what is unproductive and recognizing our competence for the unexpected
2011Se necesita un valor.
Discovering the positiveness of that which is negaive, productivity in what is unproductive and recognizing our competence for the unexpected
In German pilosophy, Karl Jaspers states that individuals are not defined by the species to which they belong, but are rather what they decide to be, living by constantly picking.
Like the alchemist, he reinterprets and recreates, trough individual consciousness, all established evidence and reasoning: his work is nourished from different symbolic and iconographic elements that are identified with essential topics. He leaps from one subject to another without any type of rule. From one place to another, from a drawing to a painting, from a photograph and neon to an action, from an engraving to a poem, from an istallation to a text. Despite the diversity of the possibilities he establishes, all of them are paths to knowledge with a single unifying thread, a total and homogeneous corpus.
For the artist Josep Vallribera art and life are the same thing and he does not establish any paradoxical difference that distances them from their original meanings. Fruit of his curious attitude about the world, his work has led him to outline an infinity of questions and to not want to be part of any stereotyped definiton.
Josep Vallribera places emphasis on the existence of human beings, affirming the identity of existence and essence, as well as their complementariness. Close to the existentialist postulates of Jean-Paul Sartre and M. Heidegger, the artist is clearly aware that existing means being part of the world, without any specific reason; from there, he challenges the correspondence between reality and reason.
We can establish a certain parallelism between that situation and what Rainer Maria Rilke writes in the first of his Duino Elegies when he speaks of the paradoxical communion of beauty and tragedy: ‘...for beauty is nothing but the beginning of terrible, which we are still able to endure... Every angel is terrible’. Viewers must discover that he invites them to access a level of knowledge that is deeper than real. They must let themselves be seized by the signs and symbols that lead to a deeper transformation. In accordance with what Rilke says, what true art aspires to is not to capture the aesthetic but to reflect knowledge, as well as the tragic and dramatic sense of human beings; the transcendence of man in the cosmic universe and the certainty of human solitude, before a sure demise.
Everything he creates is intimately related with a tight and direct connection among all expressive areas: music, theatre, scenography, cinema, photography, dance, poetry, action, painting, sculpture, all graphic techniques required, performance and even dialectic. For Vallribera, what is important is located in action, in the act of executing works that complement the meaning of life and accompany mankind into its future.
Poetic and visual grammar
play on words
neuronal geographies
Symbol is understood as the image, figure or currency with which a moral or intellectual concept is represented, seeking the correspondence between the concept and the image.

Art and nature. An integration of life.

the journey that Vallribera has embarked upon is risky, difficult, filled with obstacles, full of annoyances. I believe that he moves around them with mastery with a cry towards autonomy and risk.
Even though he may seem like a disciplined chaotic and like his order rests on absolute chaos, he maintains a suitable balance at all times. According to the words of L. Cattiaux in The Message Rediscovered 4, 25: ‘When the fire awakens in the water, chaos is ordered and the elements will engender the living spirit of the universe’. The need to transmit that which is revealed becomes a sign of action to Vallribera, in constant movement of pedagogic discourse.